I tried yesterday out of curiosity an export to Visual Topo and there are a few things that need to be fixed:
1 - There is something wrong with Azimut export, there are many negative values and it does not seems to be just a -180 to 180 instead of 0 to 360 issue as I still have value between 180 and 360.
2 - Azimut are exported corrected but Visual Topo as its own way of correcting the MagDec (not great though) so I wonder if CRP should only export raw Azimut.
3 - LRUD's in CRP are assigned to the Station (and not the RefStation). This is defined in Visual Topo in the measurements setting ("Mesures"). These settings are found in the data table in the pseudo-headers: Line 1 column I (below "Droite") and this should be set to Arr instead of Inc.
4 - LRUD's for the cave reference point (RefPassage=Passage and Ref Station=Station) requires an Azimut in CRP to be correctly orientated and there a value likely to be different from 0. Visual Topo draws these LRUD perpendicular to the Azimut (called Direction) for the reference point and needs the Azimut (Direction) value to be 0 (zero).
I was just exploring the possibility of the software... I personally don't want an export function to VT... instead I'd rather have the possibility to import from VT... VT has been a reference for French cavers, and lots of historical data are stored in VT's *.tro format (some directly exported from Topodroid to *.tro so there are no Excel spreadsheet).