Ich habe CaveRender bisher noch nicht intensiv auf einem Mac getestet.
Zuerst muss sicher Java für Mac OS installieren werden. Dann kann die Datei CaveRenderPro.jar gestartet werden, die zusammen mit Beispieldateien hier herunterladen werden kann:
Hi, I'm trying to run CaveRenderPro on MacOs Catalina 10.15.1. (Some members of my Caving Association don't have access to Windows, including me :) I have Java 14 installed -> JavaFX is no longer included in Java since it's open source . To solve this issue I downloaded the components and run the jar in terminal with the following command : java --module-path ./javafx-sdk-11.0.2/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,javafx.web -jar CaveRenderPro.jar The JAR opened without any errors or warnings. But saving a file raises an exception, no file is written.
I found the JAR of the JAXB-api on maven repository and add it to my lib directory, i run the following command : java --module-path ./javafx-sdk-11.0.2/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,javafx.web,java.xml.bind -jar CaveRenderPro.jar Error occurred during initialization of boot layer java.lang.module.FindException: Module java.activation not found, required by java.xml.bind
I haven't find any Jar that work yet, the one that Maven provide doesn't work. Maybe i'm looking at the wrong direction. Anybody managed to make it run smoothly on the latest MacOs versions ?
Hope this will works for you. I couldn't test it by myself, because I have no Apple ecosystem.
Java 9 I have tried, but the visialization of the caves on google maps shows some errors (broken lines). This was surely some years ago. A new try with OpenJDK 14 and OpenJFX is on my backlog.
We find Google Maps (and any other layers you could add) a very usefull tool not just because it look nice and fancy but because it allows - to QC our through caves or multi-entrance caves. - to correct the cave reference point positions as we operate in deep narrow valley covered with jungle and the position given by positionning the cave base on G-maps is sometime better than our bad GPS position. - to investigate from the sky the area around the cave