Although I find the direct shot/backsight shot merging is a very good feature, I still don't like the fact that original shots and backsight shots are not imported from the data table after merging. Also, I still think having the pairs of original shots available (but disabled) leaves more options : i.e.: quality control, reverting to one of the two shots if to much divergence. Instead of having the merge process on import, I'd rather have control of which pairs are OK to merge. I suggest that on import both direct and backsight shots are imported in the table and that merging process would be done manually by selecting the pairs we are happy with : i.e. selecting the pairs of rows in the table > RMB > Merge. This should calculate a merged shot and add it to the table by inserting a new line. I think the pair of original should be kept in the table and disabled to make the process revertible, and QC still possible. Also, I think a merged shot should have a higher weight than a direct/single shot, so when merging, the weight of the merged shot should be great than 0.