I have a request that might sound useless to most cavers but... My caving club explores natural caves as well as human-made undergrounds: e.g. abandoned mines, quarries, etc... there's an amazingly rich human-made underground playground in Paris area. There's a specificity to these underground networks: flat/straightish walls and sharp angles, quite the opposite of a natural cave. So we struggle to draw these underground using the tools currently available. At the moment we have 2 options: - draw a tiny bit of line at each corner of a straight wall and connect then... but that's not the most fluid and efficient process - use the "Profil" tool but the thickness of the line is fixed and thick... and in both cases, we end up with many many objects. Would it be possible to add a "polyline" drawing feature: drawing straight line from point to point with true angle/no smoothing, with the same 3 defaults thickness and other line options? Thanks
ahahhhhh... yes I mean this feature and it makes things a lot easier! The icon and the name are a bit misleading, maybe the hovering label could be "Polyline & Polygon" (EN), "Polyligne et Polygone" (FR)
It would be great to have this feature as par of the "Lines" features and be able to assign to these polylines all the line flavours available for regular "Lines".