Would it be possible to add a graphical tool to visualize statistics on the survey shoot azimuts. Many caves follow the pattern of the limestone cracks/factures, which often follow some directional trends. Sometimes it is very obvious, sometimes a bit less and having such an analytical tool would be very interesting. Here is a example of the kind of graph I have in mind:
Data can be grouped by 10° azimutal range (0°-10°, 10°-20°, etc), one data being the azimut group, the other being the total length of survey shoot in this azimut group.
I believe it can also be displayed as a half cercle, not like in the above exemple, as a shoot to the NE is the same as a shoot to the SW is this case, it's just relative. e.g. 40°-50° group = 220°-230° group.