How do we deal will "revered" measurements in CRP?
I have 4 stations 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and I can't stop at station 1.2 (e.g. for safety reason). So to ensure the topographic continuity, I measure the distance, azimuth and tilt from 1.1 to 1.2 and then from 1.3 to 1.2: i.e. the "reversed" measurements. I don't know how to assigned the LRUDs measured at station 1.3 as I can't assign these to "1.3 to 1.2" as they would be assigned to station1.2 nor to the next measurement "1.3 to 1.4" as they would be assigned to station 1.4.
Some softwares offer the option to define a set of measurements as "revered" so the Azimut and Tilt are automatically corrected and the LRUD are assigned to the correct station.
Is there such an option in CRP that I have missed or do I only have the option of converting "1.3 to 1.2" into "1.2 to 1.3" i.e. converting Azimuth (+/-180°) and Tilt (+>- or ->+)?
Hi Jochen, I've never been not a big fan of "reversed" measurement because they always make things a lot more confusing... and some topographers abuse of them. But sometimes you really don't have a choice and it's good to know how to handle. Cheers
For the future reverse function, what would be nice is to have this feature on a right mousse button (RMB) action. Select the line to reverse > RMB > Reverse... Magic! A reversed line could/should be highlighted (like deactivated line, just different colour), at least the fields that were edited i.e. stations, azimuth and inclination.