Bei angehängter Datei mit mehreren zeitlich von 1989 bis 2020 eingearbeiteten Vermessungsreihen wird die Deklination anfangs richtig berechnet, später aber nicht mehr mit den in Spalte "Datum" eingetragenen Deklinationswerten gem. Deklinationsrechner, sondern mit abweichenden Werten. Siehe Punkt PPP1.3 Information: Berechneter Azimut 70.85 (Dekl. am 19.9.2020 = 4.15, Azim. 67.9 ergäbe 72.05) Was mache ich falsch? Nord: Geografisch Ausgleich: Kein
Presuming this isn't a software issue (I might be wrong), could it be because you only defined one Instrument for the entire data set? e.g. applying magnetic variation to 2020 data based on 1989 magnetic declinaison + magnetic variation would not be right as magnetic variation doesn't apply for a too long period of time.
To avoid this I define an Instrument for every year.
In the data table, I assign to the data the "Instrument of the year".
Sorry, I don't speak/write/read German... so it will be English or French (Google Translate is our best friend).
I have edited your file so it should be OK but I recommend you do it again for training 🙂
It might be misleading but in the information box "Hohlendaten", as the "Deklinaiton" and "Änderung" are not used in any calculation. After filling the "Datum", the "Deklinaiton" and "Änderung" are given but only for information (and only if you are connected to Internet) . This feature will only help you finding the correct declination data for a specific date, that's all. As I mentioned on the forum, you have to define the survey instrument :
Go to Datei tab > Geräte > right click > Neu. Then fill the new line in with required data (device ID (your choice but as to be numerical), device name, date, declination, variation, etc.)
I have set the Geräte based on the 1st of January of each year. But you could enter any date, as long as the data are correct for that date.
Then in Daten tab, in you have to fill the Gerät column with the correct device IDs. To make this quick, select the lines using the same "Gerät" ID - lines should be highlighted - then in Werte box (top), in Spalte dropdown menu select Gerät, then in the box to the right type de GerÄt ID and click "Ersetzen". Done... then you can do the other line.
I have used the year as device ID... simple and easy 🙂
I misunderstood the workflow. Now it's clear to me. CR only calculates the declination via the “device” if it is entered there. The year as a device ID is an excellent idea.